Review: I wrote my undergrad thesis on myth and fairy tale
in Disney movies, and as such, read extensively about mythology in popular
culture. This is one of the better books. With accessible prose, clear
organization, logical points, and careful scholarship, Bahlmann intelligently
explains the modern mythology of the superhero.
He begins by explaining what makes a superhero mythological –
using “tropes” found in classic mythology, updated for the new era. Tropes like Androcentric, Codename, Sidekick,
Justice over Law, and Orphan. He builds a framework for identify stories of the
new mythology. In the subsequent chapters, he then applies this framework to
several characters or groups of characters: Green Arrow, Buffy, Alphas, and
Beowulf. He does not make an argument for or against (indeed he states that is
not the purpose of the book) but simply shows how one might use the framework
to identify, understand, and study superheroes as the new mythology.
He pulls his examples from a wide range of sources – comic books,
of course, but also video games, television, and film. He clearly has extensive
knowledge of superhero stories. In addition, he quotes scholars of mythology
and popular cultures, including J. R. R. Tolkien, Joseph Campbell, and Arthur
C. Clarke – as well as those currently studying this topic. This increased the
value of his supplemental information, which includes a complete list of
superhero tropes.
For anyone who enjoys superheroes or intellectual analysis
of pop culture, I highly recommend this book. Fascinating and thought-provoking,
it’s worth the time to read.
Note: I received this free as part of LibraryThing’s Early
Review Program, in exchange for my fair and honest opinion
Bookmarks: 8 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-1-476-6624-80
Year Published: 2016
Date Finished: 12-23-2016
Pages: 203
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