Review: Andrew Murray
is one of my go-to authors for sound, Bible-based, Spirit-lead, hard-hitting
instruction, admonition, and exposition. So it is with a disappointed mind that
I give this book such a low rating. To be clear, there is nothing theological
questionable in this book. Far from it. His explanation on the power of the
Blood of Christ is solid and true. It is the prose that I found difficult.
Circular and repetitive, his prose, will true, seem to spend most of the time
saying the same idea over and over, just using slightly different words. He doesn’t use large word or complex vocabulary,
preferring simple words and sentences, so the ideas he puts forth as accessible
to anyone of average understanding. But his passion for his topic overshadows
his literary abilities and his ideas often get lost in a tangle of repetitive
Andrew Murray is always worth the time to read, but be
mindful that this particular work may take more patience.
Bookmarks: 6 of 10
Awards: None
ISBN: 978-1-60374-238-2
Year Published: Late 1800s (This Edition 1993)
Date Finished: 12-18-2016
Pages: 169
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