Thursday, June 4, 2015

Review: First Woman and the Strawberry: A Cherokee Legend by Gloria Dominic

Synopsis: A story about how the Great Spirit used Strawberries to quell First Woman's anger.

Review: This is a sweet, clever tale. Based on a Cherokee legend, the prose are simple and strong, and when paired with these stylized illustration, the overall effect is lovely. First Man and First Woman live in harmony, until they have a disagreement. In her anger, First Woman strides off and ignored First Man's attempt to catch up. The Great Spirit creates the bright red strawberry, to tempt First Woman and remind her of the love between her and First Man. It's a fun story with the ring of truth to it. In addition to the story, the last few pages have simplified facts about Cherokee history and heritage, complete with pictures. It's a fabulous addition to the story. I highly recommend this book for any kids, and it would be an excellent addition to classroom.

Bookmarks: 7 of 10

Awards: None

ISBN: 0-8167-4513-7
Date Finished: 5-29-2015
Pages: 48

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